All Speakers | Dr. Ai Addyson-Zhang

Dr. Ai Addyson-Zhang is the CEO and founder of Classroom Without Walls. She is an award-winning educator, consultant, and coach. She received her MA from Syracuse University and PhD from the University of Maryland. Dr. Ai serves as an Adobe Education Leader, Adobe Insider, and HubSpot Academy Instructor. Dr. Ai’s work has been featured in Glamour Magazine, Forbes, Katie Couric Media, Inside Higher Education, Pearson Education, Entrepreneur, The Today Show, & others. Dr. Ai is a highly sought-after speaker, having spoken at TEDx, Inbound, Adobe Education Summit, and VidCon, among numerous other flagship conferences in academia and the industry. Known as an education disruptor, Dr. Ai enjoys sharing her thought leadership on education and entrepreneurship on LinkedIn.