Eilish Wertheimer
I was last year at the innovate summit in Owensboro Kentucky. And it was probably one of the best summits, networking business event, I’ve ever been. I mean it wasn’t that much people, but all the people who were there were extremely solid business connections.
I made some very good friends there, and great referrals which eventually turned out to be great business deals, as well as helping my business, i have a video production company, we actually filmed the event too. I got some help for my own company, I got some great new friends and clients, the difference we have been there, between other events, was truly unbelievable.
It was like, it wasn’t that much people but the people that were there were very very good, i would say even big corporate businesses companies that can benefit from other businesses and are open to hear from other businesses and it was very intimate event. and it was very close, and I’m looking forward to going there next year.
Thank you Brian and Margaret and I’m really looking forward to seeing you all there